Track the Top 100 Series and Movies

See what titles are topping the charts at Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video, ranked by the number of unique views per country.
  • Take a look at the top 100 series or movies for close to 20 significant markets around the world
  • You can see metrics like unique views, the title’s position today and for previous months, and the percentage of total views based on country population
  • Download and export your custom report by year, week or month

Gauge Popularity of Titles

Find sharp peaks and gradual slopes for key players in film and television. Predict a new title’s performance based on comparable consumer engagement and data to take advantage of the next big thing.
  • Explore and check the performance of all major titles as well as the more niche, cult favorites, and unscripted series
  • Look into data peaks for a show’s new season launch, whether data rises steadily or peaks sharply
  • Get enough data on the long-tail analysis you’ve been missing

Analyze and Optimize Linear TV Data

Our platform measures unique views reach and ratings across linear TV all around the world. In the US, Plum’s linear TV panel size represents approximately 20 million households.
  • Find network and show performance numbers with same-day analytics on networks, genres, programs and local ratings
  • Analyze TV performance data over the years to help optimize TV advertising spend
  • Measure reach, impressions and commercial overview

Know Your Audience

View demographics, age and gender stats to uncover the size and composition of your total audience, regardless of the device used for viewing.
  • Dive into the important details of who is watching, from where and on which devices for a clear picture into usage
  • Access all major demographic information in one place for the most popular movies and series to define your consumption trends
  • Optimize spend by gaining a clear picture of your audience and exactly what factors drive viewership

Visualize the Future

Monitor data from local, regional and international markets to inform your next investments. Take a focused and specialized approach to your content.
  • Shed light on the demand for your series or film within a specific market to advance the value of your brand
  • Understand overall content consumption around the world and tailor your future title or series acquisition based on data for similar content
  • Identify which shows you should prioritize in your pitches by seeing how comparable content performed on these platforms

Identify Viewer Consumption Trends

Discover exactly what audiences are excited about. See how long your viewer spent watching a title or series, how many episodes they binged and what episode hooked them to find the common thread.
  • Look at snapshots of your audience’s viewing habits across a number of devices and spot trends ,whether it be in the hourly, weekly or monthly breakdowns
  • Capture otherwise unknown information about your viewer; for example, their binging sessions, marathons, and peaks in overall viewership
  • Monitor completion rate metrics and gauge a customer’s general satisfaction and the likelihood of renewal or churn