Dashboard Screen

What We Provide

With thousands of movies and series available worldwide across a multitude of streaming platforms, subscribers have plenty of programs to choose from. But what exactly are they watching?

Track the Top 100 Series and Movies

See what titles are topping the charts at Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video, ranked by the number of unique views per country.

Gauge Popularity of Titles

Find sharp peaks and gradual slopes for key players in film and television. Predict a new title’s performance based on comparable consumer engagement and data to take advantage of the next big thing.

Analyze and Optimize Linear TV Data

Our platform measures unique views reach and ratings across linear TV all around the world. In the US, Plum’s linear TV panel size represents approximately 20 million households.

Know Your Audience

View demographics, age and gender stats to uncover the size and composition of your total audience, regardless of the device used for viewing.

Visualize the Future

Monitor data from local, regional and international markets to inform your next investments. Take a focused and specialized approach to your content.

Identify Viewer Consumption Trends

Discover exactly what audiences are excited about. See how long your viewer spent watching a title or series, how many episodes they binged and what episode hooked them to find the common thread.


One platform
for all your needs

At PlumResearch we take the guesswork out of performance analytics. Our Showlabs dashboard presents data and behavioral metrics for 80% of the market in one full-service platform. Analyze statistics for linear, SVOD, and AVOD platforms to gain clear insights for better business decisions.

Defining your needs

Digital and linear TV are in demand now more than ever before which means your company’s response time to industry needs is crucial. We can help make smarter, faster business decisions by providing accurate data, in-depth insights and a reliable customer support team.

Collecting raw data

Our data goes through a lengthy process before it is served up to you. It all starts with tracking the unique consumer profile for a particular title. From there we get our algorithms to work cleaning and weighting the data. There’s much more that happens behind the scenes but leave that to us!

Creating insights

We track every aspect of audience behavior to provide a comprehensive understanding into the viewing habits and preferences of hundreds of thousands of consumers in nearly twenty markets around the world, including the US, Mexico, France, Germany, Brazil and more.